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Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
7th Floor, Core 4,
SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-10003



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Hon'ble Mr. Vishwa Jeet Talwar, Member (Technical)

Profile of Sh. Vishwa Jeet Talwar, Member (Technical)

                Shri Vishwa Jeet Talwar born on 15th July 1949, joined Appellate tribunal for Electricity on 3rd December 2010. Before joining the Tribunal, Sh Talwar was Chairman of Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission from 3rd August 2007 to 2nd December 2010 and prior to that he was Member (Technical) in that Commission.  Shri Talwar is an Electrical Engineer with bachelor degree in law having more than 40 years in power sector.   During this illustrious career spanning, he served in different capacities and handled important assignments in different organizations, viz, Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission, Central Electricity Authority, Northern Regional Electricity Board, Delhi Electricity Supply Undertaking and New Delhi Municipal Committee. Various postings and opportunities have enabled him to acquire wide and varied experience in the electricity industry in its entirety covering the fields of electricity regulation (engineering and tariff setting as also to a large extent the legal aspect), planning, design costing etc. of transmission and distribution systems, grid operation (both operational and commercial aspects and load generation balance), Intra/Inter-regional Exchanges of power.

       Shri Talwar has widely traveled in many countries such as Japan, Canada, USA andFrance for various training programmes/studies/conferences etc. Shri V.J. Talwar demitted the office of Member (Tech) in the Tribunal on 02.12.2013, after completing a term of three years.

Appellate Tribunal For Electricity, 7th Floor, Core 4, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003