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Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
7th Floor, Core 4,
Scope Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003



226. 19.12.2014 (12.00 Noon /Court I Mumbai Circuit Bench) 19.12.2014 (Court II)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

19.12.2014 (Court II)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

225. 18.12.2014 (Court I)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
18.12.2014 (Court II)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

18.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

224. 17.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 17.12.2014 (Court II)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

17.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

223. 16.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 16.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

16.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

222. 15.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 15.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)
221. 12.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

12.12.2014 (12.30 P.M /Court I)

12.12.2014 (Court I P&NG)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

12.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

12.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

220. 11.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

11.12.2014 (12.00 Noon /Court I)

11.12.2014 (Court I)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

11.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

11.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

219. 10.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

10.12.2014 (12.00 Noon /Court I)

10.12.2014 (Court I)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

10.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

10.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

218. 09.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

09.12.2014 (11.15 A.M /Court I)

09.12.2014 (12.30 P.M /Court I)

09.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)
218. 08.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

08.12.2014 (12.30 P.M /Court I)

08.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

08.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

217. 05.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I)

05.12.2014 (Court I)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

05.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)
216. 04.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 04.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

04.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

215. 03.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 03.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

03.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

214. 02.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court I) 02.12.2014 (11.00 A.M /Court II)

02.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)

213. 01.12.2014 (11.30 A.M /Court I)
(Swearing in Ceremony of Hon’ ble Mrs. Justice, Ranajana Prakash Desai, Chairperson at 10.50 A.M.)
01.12.2014 (02.30 P.M /Court II)
212. 30.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

30.11.2014 (03.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

211. 29.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

29.11.2014 (03.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

210. 28.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.11.2014 (12.00 Noon /Regular Bench)

28.11.2014 (12.00 Noon /Regular Bench Supplementry)

28.11.2014 (01.00 P.M /P&NG Bench)

28.11.2014 (Special Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
209. 27.11.2014 (Regular Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
27.11.2014 (Special Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
208. 26.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.11.2014 (12.00 Noon /Regular Bench)

207. 25.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

25.11.2014 (Special Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
206. 24.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench) 24.11.2014 (Special Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
205. 21.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

21.11.2014 (Special Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

21.11.2014 (P&NG Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

204. 21.11.2014 (11.00 A.M / Chennai Circuit Bench)
203. 20.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

20.11.2014 (Regular Bench)
(After the Proceedings of Court-I are over)

20.11.2014 (12.00 P.M /Special Bench)
Inauguration of
"Interactive Session Between the Chairperson and Members of the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions" by
Hon'ble Minister of State (I/C) for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy at India International Centre, 40, Max Mullar Marg, New Delhi - 110003 at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 19th November, 2014.

19.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.11.2014 (03.00 P.M /P&NG Bench)

19.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
201. 18.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 18.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
200. 17.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

17.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

199. 14.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

14.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

14.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

198. 13.11.2014 (12.00 P.M /Regular Bench)
(Swearing in Ceremony of Hon’ ble Mr. T. MUNIKRISHNAIAH, Technical Member at 11.00 A.M.)

13.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

13.11.2014 (12.00 P.M /Special Bench)
197. 12.11.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

12.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

12.11.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

196. 11.11.2014 (12.00 P.M /Regular Bench) 11.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
195. 10.11.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.11.2014 (02.30 P.M./P&G Bench)

10.11.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

10.11.2014 (02.30 P.M./Special Bench)

194. 07.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Full Bench)

07.11.2014 (Regular Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

07.11.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
193. 05.11.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

05.11.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the Proceedings of Court-I are over)

192. 03.11.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

03.11.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

03.11.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

03.11.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

191. 31.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

31.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

31.10.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

31.10.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
190. 30.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

30.10.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

30.10.2014 (03.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

30.10.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

189. 29.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

29.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.10.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.10.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
188. 28.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.10.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

28.10.2014 (03.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.10.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
187. 27.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.10.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.10.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
186. 18.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)
185. 17.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

17.10.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
184. 16.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

16.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

16.10.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
183. 15.10.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)
182. 14.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
181. 13.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

13.10.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

13.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
180. 10.10.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

10.10.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

10.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
179. 09.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

09.10.2014 (12.00 Noon /Regular Bench)

09.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

09.10.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
179. 08.10.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

08.10.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.10.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
178. 01.10.2014 (10.30 A.M to 12.00 Noon /Regular Bench)

01.10.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today for 12.30 P.M matters. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master)

01.10.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today for 4.30 P.M matters. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master)

01.10.2014 (12.00 P.M /Special Bench)
177. 30.09.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
176. 30.09.2014 (11.00 /Mumbai Circuit Bench)
175. 29.09.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

29.09.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

174. 29.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Mumbai Circuit Bench)
173. 26.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.09.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

26.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
172. 25.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
171. 24.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

24.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.09.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
170. 23.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

23.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

23.09.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

23.09.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

23.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
169. 22.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
22.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)

22.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)

168. 19.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

19.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
167. 18.09.2014 (11.30 A.M /Regular Bench)

18.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

18.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

18.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

18.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
166. 17.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

17.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
165. 16.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

16.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
164. 15.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

15.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

15.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

15.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

15.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
164. 13.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)
163. 12.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

12.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

12.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.09.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
162. 11.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

11.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

11.09.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
161. 10.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
160. 09.09.2014 (Regular Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
159. 10.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
158. 09.09.2014 and 10.09.2014
(11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
157. 08.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
156. 05.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

05.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

05.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
155. 04.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

04.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

04.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

04.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
154. 03.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

03.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

03.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

03.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
153. 02.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

02.09.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

02.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

02.09.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
152. 01.09.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

01.09.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

01.09.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
151. 28.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

28.08.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.08.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
150. 27.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.08.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
149. 26.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

26.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
148. 25.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
147. 22.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

22.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

22.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

22.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

22.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
146. 21.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Full Bench)

21.08.2014 (Regular Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

21.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

21.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

21.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
145. 20.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

20.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

20.08.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

20.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
144. 19.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

19.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
143. 14.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
142. 13.08.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M)
141. 13.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
140. 12.08.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M)

12.08.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M)

12.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
139. 11.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

11.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
138. 08.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

08.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

08.08.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
137. 07.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

07.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
136. 06.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

06.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

06.08.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

06.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
135. 05.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Mumbai Circuit Bench)
134. 05.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench) 05.08.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Bombay Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
133. 04.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Mumbai Circuit Bench)
132. 04.08.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Mumbai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

04.08.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Bombay Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
131. 01.08.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

01.08.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

01.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

01.08.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)

130. 31.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

31.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

31.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

31.07.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding in Full Bench in Court-I are over)

129. 30.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

30.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

128. 25.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.07.2014 (03.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

127. 24.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
126. 23.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

23.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

23.07.2014 (03.00 P.M /P&NG Bench)

23.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
125. 22.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

22.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

22.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

22.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

124. 21.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

21.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

21.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

123. 18.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

18.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

18.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

122. 17.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.07.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

121. 16.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

16.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

16.07.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

16.07.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

120. 15.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

15.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

15.07.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

119. 14.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

14.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
118. 11.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

11.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

11.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
117. 10.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

10.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

10.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
116. 09.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

09.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

09.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

09.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
115. 08.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

08.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
114. 07.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.07.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
113. 04.07.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.07.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.07.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
112. 04.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
111. 03.07.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

03.07.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

03.07.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

03.07.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
110. 03.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
109. 02.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

02.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

02.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
108. 01.07.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

01.07.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

01.07.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
107. 30.06.2014 (11.00 A.M /Full Bench)

30.06.2014 (Regular Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

30.06.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

30.06.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
106. 04.06.2014 (11.00 A.M /Vacation Court)
105. 03.06.2014 (11.00 A.M /Vacation Court)

03.06.2014 (12.30 P.M /Vacation Court)

104. 30.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

30.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

30.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
103. 29.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

29.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

29.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
102. 28.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
102. 27.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.05.2014 (02.30 /Full Bench)

27.05.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

27.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.05.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.05.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding in Full Bench in Court-I are over)
101. 26.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
100. 23.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

23.05.2014 (12.30 A.M /Regular Bench)

23.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

23.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
99. 22.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

22.05.2014 (12.30 A.M /Regular Bench)

22.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

22.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
98. 21.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
97. 20.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
96. 21.05.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
95. 20.05.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
94. 19.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

19.05.2014 (01.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

19.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

19.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
93. 16.05.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

16.05.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

16.05.2014 (11.00 A.M) (Special Bench)
92. 15.05.2014 (11.00 A.M) (Special Bench)
92. 13.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

13.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

13.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

13.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
91. 12.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

12.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
90. 09.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

09.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

09.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

09.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

09.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
89. 08.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

08.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

08.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
88. 07.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.05.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
87. 06.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

06.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

06.05.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

06.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
86. 05.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

05.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.05.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today as this matter is pending before Hon’ble SC, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

05.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
85. 02.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

02.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

02.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
84. 01.05.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

01.05.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

01.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

01.05.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
83. 30.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

30.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

30.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

30.04.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceeding in Full Bench in Court-I are over)
82. 29.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

29.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
81. 28.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.04.2014 (04.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
80. 25.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.04.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
79. 24.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
78. 23.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 23.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
77. 22.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

22.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

22.04.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

22.04.2014 (03.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

22.04.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
76. 21.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

21.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

21.04.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

21.04.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
76. 17.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

17.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
75. 16.04.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
16.04.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
74. 16.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
73. 15.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
72. 14.04.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of Birthday of Dr. B R Ambedkar The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M. ON 15-04-2014)
14.04.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of Birthday of Dr. B R Ambedkar The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M. ON 15-04-2014)
71. 11.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

11.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.04.2014 (Full Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today. This matter will be taken up on 05.05.2014

11.04.2014 (04.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
70. 10.04.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of Election Holiday The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 10.30 A.M. ON 11-04-2014)
69. 09.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

09.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

09.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
68. 07.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

07.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
67. 04.04.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.04.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.04.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

04.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
66. 03.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

03.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

03.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Special Bench)
65. 02.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

02.04.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

02.04.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
64. 01.04.2014 (11.00 A.M /Kolkata Circuit Bench)
63. 31.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Kolkata Circuit Bench)
62. 28.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.03.2014 (Full Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today. This matter will be taken up on 11.04.2014

28.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.03.2014 (12.15 P.M /Special Bench)
61. 27.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.03.2014 (12.15 P.M /Special Bench)
60. 26.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.03.2014 (12.15 P.M /Special Bench)
59. 25.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.03.2014 (12.15 P.M /Special Bench)
58. 24.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.03.2014 (12.15 P.M /Special Bench)
57. 14.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

14.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

14.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
56. 13.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
55. 13.03.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

13.03.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

13.03.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
54. 12.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
53. 12.03.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

12.03.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

12.03.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
52. 11.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 11.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
51. 10.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

10.03.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
50. 08.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)
49. 07.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 07.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
48. 06.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

06.03.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

06.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
47. 05.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

05.03.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

05.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
46. 04.03.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

04.03.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

04.03.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
45. 03.03.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today.The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master)
03.03.2014 (Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master)
44. 28.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

28.02.2014 (Special Bench)
After the proceeding in full Bench in Court-I are over
43. 27.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
42. 26.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

26.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

26.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
41. 25.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

25.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

25.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

25.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
40. 24.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

24.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

24.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
39. 21.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
38. 20.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
37. 21.02.2014 (Full Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

21.02.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)

36. 20.02.2014 (Regular Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
35. 19.02.2014 (Regular Bench)
There will be no sitting of this Bench today. Next date may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 AM
19.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Special Bench)
34. 18.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

18.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

18.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

18.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
33. 17.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

17.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

17.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

17.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
32. 14.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

14.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

14.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today, The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
31. 13.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

13.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

13.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
30. 12.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

12.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

12.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
29. 11.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

11.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

11.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /full Bench)

11.02.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
28. 10.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

10.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.02.2014 (01.45 P.M /P&NG Bench)

10.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

10.02.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings of Full Bench in Court-I are over)
27. 07.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.02.2014 (01.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
26. 06.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

06.02.2014 (full Bench)
(Due to adjournment letter moved by the Respondent No. 2, the next date of hearing can be obtained from the Court Master at 2.30 PM)

06.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
25. 05.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

05.02.2014 (01.00 P.M /Regular Bench)

05.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
24. 04.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 04.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
23. 03.02.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

03.02.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

03.02.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
22. 31.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

31.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

31.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
21. 30.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 30.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
20. 29.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

29.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

29.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

29.01.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

29.01.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)
19. 28.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

28.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

28.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
18. 27.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

27.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

27.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
17. 24.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

24.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

24.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
16. 23.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

23.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

23.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

23.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
15. 22.01.2014 (02.30 P.M
/Regular Bench)
22.01.2014 (11.00 A.M
/Special Bench)
14. 21.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
13. 20.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Chennai Circuit Bench)
12. 21.01.2014 (Regular Bench at New Delhi)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
21.01.2014 (Special Bench at New Delhi)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
11. 20.01.2014 (Regular Bench at New Delhi)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench.The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
20.01.2014 (Special Bench at New Delhi)
(There will be no sitting of this Bench today on account of sitting of Chennai Circuit Bench. The next date of hearing may be obtained from the Court Master at 11.00 A.M.)
10. 17.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 17.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
9. 16.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

16.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

16.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
8. 13.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

13.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

13.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

13.01.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

13.01.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)
7. 10.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

10.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

10.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
6. 09.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 09.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
5. 08.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

08.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

08.01.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

08.01.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

08.01.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

4. 07.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

07.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /Regular Bench)

07.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
3. 06.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

06.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Full Bench)

06.01.2014 (P&NG Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)

06.01.2014 (Special Bench)
(After the proceedings in full Bench in Court-I are over)
2. 03.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench) 03.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)
1. 02.01.2014 (11.00 A.M /Regular Bench)

02.01.2014 (12.30 P.M /P&NG Bench)

02.01.2014 (02.30 P.M /Special Bench)

It is hereby notified that With effect from 03.12.2013, the Coram in court I 
  and Court-II will be as follows:   
 COURT I   :        Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.Karpaga Vinayagam, Chairperson                
                               Hon'ble Mr. Rakesh Nath, Technical Member   
(Special Bench)
Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.Karpaga Vinayagam, Chairperson and Hon'ble Mr. Rakesh Nath, Technical Member
  COURT II  :               Hon'ble Mr. Rakesh Nath, Technical Member                
                                      Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surendra Kumar, Judicial Member

Petroleum          Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.Karpaga Vinayagam, Chairperson                
     Bench     :      Hon'ble   Mr. N.M. Borah , Technical Member (P&NG)           		  



Appellate Tribunal For Electricity, 7th Floor, Core 4, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.