It is hereby notified that With effect from 01.01.2015, the Coram in court I
and Court-II will be as follows:
COURT I : Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, Chairperson
Hon'ble Mr. Rakesh Nath, Technical Member
COURT II : Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surendra Kumar, Judicial Member
Hon'ble Mr. T. Munikrishnaiah, Technical Member
COURT II : Hon'ble Mr. Rakesh Nath, Technical Member
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surendra Kumar, Judicial Member
Petroleum Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, Chairperson
Bench : Hon'ble Mr. N.M. Borah , Technical Member (P&NG)